23 February 2009

Bobby Jindal to Deliver Riposte for GOP on Tuesday

Will this be a decisive step on Piyush 'Bobby' Jindal's path to 2012 contender-dom? In an almost deathwish-y way, I had hoped McCain would choose Jindal (young, gifted, and brown--sound familiar?) as his running mate; but John Heilemann reports that the Louisiana Governor had pulled his own name out of 'fear of being tangled up in a plainly doomstruck campaign'.

Well, in any event, Sarah Palin seemed to have made it out none the worse for (ahem) wear.

03 February 2009

Death of a Salesman

Somehow this makes me sad, all the way down in North Carolina. I think I may have only seen him once or twice, but to me he was New York's great instance of that glorious figure: the English Eccentric. Thankfully, a Times blogger got hold of some video of Joe Ades in action. R.I.P.