So now it's 'Islam-a-phobic' to satirize Islamophobia?
I know I'm a little late on this one, but that's because I was in denial: for a few days, I just didn't want to believe that, along with the abovementioned meta-confusion, the discussion of race in this country has become so impoverished that a reference to racism counts as racism. NY Governor David Paterson claims that the cover was 'one of the most malignant and vicious' he's ever (ahem) seen. Malignant and vicious to whom? Could anyone with even a passing familiarity with The New Yorker believe that the editors were trying to stoke anti-Obama rumor-mongering?
I'd better stop here before my ACLU trick knee starts jerking and kicks over that other tempest-in-a-teapot: flag lapel pins.
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