10 May 2009

Never Had It So Good Again

The summer after my sophomore year in college, I lived with two roommates in what seemed like a brand-new apartment in Cleveland Circle, on the outskirts of Boston.  There was wall-to-wall carpeting, cable, and a pool and hot tub in the courtyard (we spied on at least one late-night hot tub tryst).  I thought I'd never have it so good again.  

I'm thinking about that apartment these days as I get ready to pack up and leave the faculty housing I've been in here since August.  There's no pool or hot tub, but measured by other standards, I have been living in a lap of luxury most obscene:  there are two bathrooms and two porches; there are two cars and a bicycle; and for most of the time, there has been just one inhabitant.  

Of course, life's hardly been a picnic:  I've spent so much time working in my office that I'm rarely home; and even when I am home, being the unsociably sociable person that I am, I've wanted for company.  I look forward to going back to life with roommates, as much as that life has its own downside.  It's just that, at a moment when I'm not even sure how I'm going to put food on the table come September, the current digs deserve some kind of commemoration.  So here's a quick house tour, interrupted by a short, 'summer breeze' DJ set:

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